BTS Sexual Harassment | Jin Accused of Sexual Harassment by Fans at ‘Hug Party’

BTS Sexual Harassment : Jin, a member of BTS, faced accusations of sexual harassment, including a kiss on the cheek, during a ‘hug party’ with 1,000 fans. Other fans have accused those responsible. Today (14th), a post titled “Fans who sexually harassed Jin at a hug event were reported to the police” was posted in the BTS fan community.

BTS Sexual Harassment

Author A stated, “Jin was hugging his fans to commemorate his discharge, but some fans attempted to sexually harass him. As a fan who usually listens to BTS music, I couldn’t help but feel angry.” They then posted a photo of the complaint filed at Kookmin Shinmungo, saying, “We would like to inform you that we have reported the fans who sexually harassed Jin to the police through Kookmin Shinmungo on charges of violating the Sexual Violence Punishment Act.” The complaint was filed with the Seoul Songpa Police Station.

BTS Sexual Harassment

Mr. A also criticized the agency, Big Hit Music, saying, “I hope that the agency that caused Jin, who was just discharged from the military, to experience this humiliation because they were so obsessed with making money, will reflect deeply.”

Yesterday (13th), Jin held a ‘hug party’ at the ‘2024 FESTA’ event to commemorate the 11th anniversary of BTS’ debut. This event was planned by Jin himself for his fans who had been waiting for his discharge from the military. Among BTS Weverse membership subscribers, the grand prize winner was selected through a drawing among fans who purchased Jin’s solo single ‘The Astronaut’.

Most fans briefly hugged Jin and moved around in an orderly manner, but some fans attempted excessive physical contact, causing controversy. One fan tried to kiss Jin, and another fan pulled Jin by the neck and kissed him on the cheek. Jin’s expression of embarrassment because of these incidents spread through various online communities and social networking services (SNS).

BTS fans and netizens are raising their voices, calling for “obvious sexual harassment” and demanding the identification and punishment of those responsible.